新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论

新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论


Global Debates in the Digital Humanities

新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论

1 内容简介

《数字人文的全球辩论》(Global Debates in the Digital Humanities)由明尼苏达大学出版社于2022年5月出版。数字人文常常被认为是一个包罗万象的”大帐篷”,但事实上,由于缺乏超越西方化和英语语境和假设的视角,数字人文一直深受困扰。这本《数字人文辩论》系列的最新文集旨在解决该领域的这一缺陷。撰稿人专注于那些因语言、文化或地缘政治原因而不被重视的思想和工作,展示了另一种历史和观点,详细介绍了数字人文在全球南部和其他 “不可见 “背景下的崛起,并探讨了全球多元化数字人文的意义


新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论

2 编者介绍

新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论

Domenico Fiormonte是意大利罗马特雷大学政治学系的传播和文化社会学讲师。他是《走向数字文本批判》(Towards a Critique of the Digital Text)的作者,也是《数字人文主义者:批判性探索》(A Critical Inquiry)的合著者。

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Sukanta Chaudhuri是印度贾达夫布尔大学英语系的名誉教授。他最新的专著是《文本的形而上学》(The Metaphysics of Text)。他是Bichitra的首席统筹人,这是一个泰戈尔作品的在线分类网站。他目前正在统筹孟加拉语历史词典的计算机化。

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Paola Ricaurte是墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学人文与教育学院的副教授,也是哈佛大学伯克曼·克莱因互联网与社会中心的副教员。她是Tierra Común的联合创始人(与Nick Couldry和Ulises Mejías合作),该网络旨在促进全球南方对数据殖民主义的反思。

新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论

3 目录


Domenico Fiormonte, Paola Ricaurte, and Sukanta Chaudhuri


1. 认识论上产生的隐蔽性

Sayan Bhattacharyya

2. 数字人文的另类历史:追踪档案学的转向

Puthiya Purayil Sneha

3. 次生代可以”做”数字认为吗?对数字人文学科的挑战和机遇的反思

Ernesto Priego

4. 窥视粉色帐篷之外:跨越数字印度洋的有色人种批评

Rahul K. Gairola

5. 俄罗斯数字人文的历史和背景

Inna Kizhner, Melissa Terras, Lev Manovich, Boris Orekhov, Igor Kim, Maxim Rumyantsev, and Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya

6. 辩论和发展中国的数字人文科学:新还是旧?

Jing Chen and Lik Hang Tsui

7. 我们如何成为数字化:波兰数字人文的最新历史

Maciej Maryl

8. 南方的社会科学和数字人文:批判性讨论的材料

Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega


9. 从早期孟加拉语报纸和杂志中挖掘口头数据:对可能性的思考

Purbasha Auddy

10. 数字刷子的谈话:东亚数字研究中的挑战和潜在的联系

Aliz Horvath

11. “它的功能,这就是(几乎)全部”:为《塔木德》贴标签

Itay Marienberg-Milikowsky

12. 中文谷歌书库中的趋势是什么?中文领域的谷歌Ngram分析(1950-2008)

Carlton Clark, Lei Zhang, and Steffen Roth

13. In Tlilli in Tlapalli / In Xochitl in Cuicatl: 通过数字媒体对其他墨西哥文学的表述

Ernesto Miranda Trigueros

14. 没有”制造”,现在没有:南亚数字人文的非殖民化

Dibyadyuti Roy和Nirmala Menon

15. 当代俄罗斯的数字人文和记忆战争

Sofia Gavrilova

16. 边疆档案制图:沟通个人、政治和地理上的边疆

Maira E. Álvarez 和 Sylvia Fernández Quintanilla

17. 在全球南部发展新的识字技能和数字学术基础结构:一个案例研究

María José Afanador-Llach和Andres Lombana-Bermudez

18. 新西班牙妇女写的手稿和数字化的挑战:学术自传的实验

Diana Barreto Ávila


19. 数字人文与有形和无形的基础设施

Gimena del Rio Riande

20. 特定地点的文化基础设施:促进访问和征服数字鸿沟

Juan Steyn and Andre Goodrich

21. 关于Gambiarras:巴西的技术即兴表演

Carolina Dalla Chiesa和Leonardo Foletto

22. 混乱的赋权:绘制边缘地区的数字接触图

Anita Gurumurthy 和 Deepti Bharthur

23. 关于语言、性别和数字技术

Tim Unwin

24. 非洲的数字化:从生态困境到想象的非殖民化

Cédric Leterme

新书推荐 | 数字人文的全球辩论

4 内容节选

“Global South” is a controversial label that has been traditionally used in the realm of sociology. Although the analysis of a North-South divide goes back to the “South- ern Question” developed in the late 1920s by the Italian philosopher and politician Antonio Gramsci, its spread in the last fifty years reflects an obscure semantics based not on geography but on geopolitical biases and ambitions.4 In this book we are using it in the sense highlighted by Anne Garland Mahler, of the “resistant imaginary of a transnational political subject”, that is, as an alternative to Western epistemological canons and dominant discourses in the digital humanities.

“全球南方 “是一个备受争议的标签,在社会学领域里一直沿用至今。尽管对南北鸿沟的分析可以追溯到意大利哲学家和政治家Antonio Gramsci在20世纪20年代末提出的”南方问题”,但它在过去五十年的传播反映了一种晦涩的语义,不是基于地理,而是基于地缘政治偏见和野心。在本书中,我们在Anne Garland Mahler强调的意义上使用它,即 “跨国政治主体的抵抗性想象”,也就是说,作为西方认识论典范和数字人文学科的主导话语的替代。

Geographically, the Global South is understood as comprising Asia, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Symbolically, it refers to all places located at the economic, cultural, and social margins of the indus- trialized world. We recognize the existence of multiple Souths, those communities that are eco- nomically, epistemically, and ontologically excluded, regardless of their geographical location.


Despite some inevitable gaps, we have endeavored to build a different representation of DH based on cultural, linguistic, political, and ultimately epistemological diversity. The spread of formal and informal DH research groups, teaching programs, and associations across the globe has shown that an extended debate on the application of digital technology to the study of cultural artifacts is taking place in contexts, countries, cultures, and languages beyond the dominant centers of DH in the West. These debates reflect different visions of DH, including conversations in which the digital humanities is not a dominant concept in the development of technological approaches to the humanities.


In the second decade of the twenty-first century, DH has experienced a significant “global turn” that has begun to challenge many aspects of our field. It is now common in mainstream DH publications and at conferences to reflect not only on the benefits and innovations of global expansion but also on its “dark sides”—that is, on how digital practices can marginalize or make invisible scholarship carried out in regions or by people and cultures that either lack access to state-of-the-art digital infrastructures or are normally misrepresented by mainstream network tools. In his foreword to A Companion to Digital Humanities, Roberto Busa highlighted the importance of the global dimension of DH, but it was not until the 2010s that DH biases, imbalances, and barriers of a different nature started to be analyzed from a global (and geopolitical) perspective, especially beyond Anglo-American academic circles.

在21世纪的第二个十年里,数字人文经历了一次重要的”全球转向”,开始挑战我们领域的许多方面。现在,在主流数字人文出版物和会议上,不仅普遍反映了全球扩张的好处和创新,也反映了它的”阴暗面”——即数字实践如何边缘化或使那些无法获得最先进的数字基础设施或通常被主流网络工具所歪曲的地区或人民和文化所开展的学术研究不可见。Roberto Busa在他的《数字人文指南》前言中强调了数字人文全球维度的重要性但直到2010年代,才开始从全球(和地缘政治)视角,特别是超越英美学界的视角来分析不同性质的数字人文偏见、失衡和障碍。

Scholars based outside the United States and United Kingdom have discussed the epistemic and political consequences of the English-speaking hegemony in DH. At the same time, scholars working in both North American and European academic institutions have introduced a critical approach to DH from a range of different perspectives: post- colonial studies, race, gender, intersectionality, cultural diversity, digital commons, digital pedagogy, digital divide, politics, and so on.


It is also now common to develop attempts at regional or community-level descriptions, for example Sneha (Mapping Digital Humanities in India) and Chaudhuri (Bichitra) for India, Risam and Gairola (South Asian Digital Humanities) for South Asia, Fernández l’Hoeste and Rodríguez (Digital Humanities in Latin America) for Latin America, and the DARIAH-CLARIN course registry for Europe. However, data collected by different sources has shown that the voices most often heard in mainstream conferences, events, and publications are still those coming from Western (and especially anglophone) institutions.

现在还普遍开展了区域或社区层面的描述尝试,例印度的Sneha(印度数字人文地图)和Chaudhuri(Bichitra),南亚的Risam和Gairola(南亚数字人文),拉丁美洲的Fernández l’Hoeste和Rodríguez(拉丁美洲的数字人文),以及欧洲的DARIAH-CLARIN课程注册。然而,由不同来源收集的数据显示,在主流会议、活动和出版物中最常听到的声音仍然是来自西方(尤其是英语国家)机构的声音。

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5 书籍评价


——Haoda Feng, Gang Zeng, Dalian Maritime University

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 编译 丨 韩竺媛 

校对 丨 刘佳臻

排版 丨 付靖宜

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